A Commonsense "Mission Statement"
She wrote,
Reply to CJ: I thought it would be OK to just come out and ask you. There seems to be a lot of whispering around the internet. I think it is just logical to come out and ask people instead of assuming the worst. The worst you were going to say is that you DID hold to that T2A statement and then I would reconsider my opinion of you. If you have questions: ASK THEM. What were you going to do to me? Come through the internet wires and get me because I asked you a question? :-) Yesterday, I read this article on some blog by someone who took another blog article and disected it and came up with the idea that this guy did not believe the Bible was inspired. *sigh* Before the critical blogger did this, he should've asked the guy what he believed concerning the origin of scriptures. If the guy pussyfooted around and wouldn't give him a straight answer, like a politician, then I could justify the blog article. Make sense?
Can't their be civilized honest debate?
(Note... a couple of days ago, I posted an article to the liberal website, Talk2Action, which has led many around the blog-o-sphere to wonder, without asking me, if I share Talk2Action's stance on abortion, same-sex marriage, etc. I DON'T. I am pro-life, period. I believe that homosexual activity, as distinguished from homosexual orientation, is a sin; I also believe that persecuting anyone on the basis of race, gender or sexual orientation is likewise a sin.
I believe in racial equality; I believe in separation of church and state; I am unopposed to homeschooling, provided the homeschooling parent is literate him or herself and uses honest, fact-based curriculum; I am adamantly opposed to capital punishment; and I am in favor of universal healthcare.)
That being said...
Zan.... I like the way you think.
Please come right out and ask me anything, and please come right out and TELL me anything, including the fact that you think I am full of baloney, should that become the case. :)
And, that goes for everybody, not just Zan.
I may not agree with you, and you may not agree with each other, but discussion is a good thing, always. There's no topic so bad, that two Christians can't discuss it here in a civilized fashion. Debate is fine, and passionate, even heated debate is fine, as long as we respect one another's right to disagree.
The things that I don't like, and won't tolerate on my blog, are name calling and strike-and-run guerilla tactics, where someone throws out a bunch of accusations but will not back them up with dialogue, like this:
That will never happen here. Period.