
Hello.... Hi there... I'm Cynthia Gee, and I'm creating this as a mirror of my other CommonSense blog at HomeschoolBlogger. I am copying the first several articles from over there, and moving them here in their entirety, complete with reader's comments. So if you see your comment HERE, and remember posting it over THERE, relax. You're sane.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Hey, Boys and Girls... Can you spell J-I-H-A-D ???

An interesting discussion has been shaping up over on ThatMom's blog lately, about whether the HyperPatriarchal movement and their patriocentric views of women’s roles could be putting our homeschooling freedoms at risk. It seems that girls are getting shortchanged in some HyperP homes, and their education is being curtailed due to the fact that many in the movement maintain that higher education for girls is a waste, if not an outright sin.

Today the conversation took on a new, more sinister bent, as Chris Barnes wrote ,
"Any section of our government which is in violation with God Himself is invalid from the beginning. And chief among the rights given to us by God is that parents - and parents ALONE - are responsible for their children.
Last point - so that everyone understands the volatility of this issue: this is a “go to war” issue. If anyone, private or government, tries to impose their will on my kids, they have declared war on me and my family. And I’m not talking about a “war of words” or a nice “let’s go to court” war - I’m talking about using guns, shooting, killing, people dying type of war."

Wow... I mean, WOW.

Can you spell "Waco", boys and girls?

Very good, I knew you could.

Now, who can go to the map and find "Ruby Ridge?"


And, there's 10 points of extra credit for anyone who can explain the significance of Elohim City .


Blogger Meloff said...

Hi Cynthia,
This is actually a comment about what you wrote on Jen's blog this morning. I'm so glad you wrote that comment - in particular about leaving it up to the Lord to sort out those who call themselves Christians but behave or teach in a manner that might lead one to think otherwise. Definitely food for further thought/study.

I also appreciate that you wrote, "What Doug did and what he teaches is wrong, and forgiving him should not carry any overtones of “I was wrong, and you were right.”"

I have learned that forgiveness is really saying, "You no longer owe me anything." and leaving it between that person and the Lord. However, that does not make what the other person did "right" it just means that the forgiver is not holding on to the debt any longer.

And I think that part of being "wise as a serpent" is not putting yourself in a position to allow the other person to continue sinning against you - as much as you are able.

This is true forgiveness - not the kind where people say, "Oh just forgive him and move on. . . " This other kind is more like repressing what really happened, which leads only to further mental, emotional and spiritual bondage. The first is much more difficult and (to me) much more painful - as it does not deny the sin or the pain that it caused -, but at the same time, is what is truly liberating.

Thanks again,

1:56 PM  
Blogger CJ said...

"I have learned that forgiveness is really saying, "You no longer owe me anything." and leaving it between that person and the Lord. However, that does not make what the other person did "right" it just means that the forgiver is not holding on to the debt any longer. "

Hey, "Thinking", I like your thinking! especially the angle of not holding on to a debt. I never looked at it that way before, but isn't this exactly what God does? He cancels our debt because of Jesus, but in doing so He doesn't say that our sins weren't sinful.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey now, nice things come out of Waco on occassion, like me! I was born while my parents were attending Baylor.

9:51 AM  
Blogger CJ said...

Hey, I feel your pain...I was born in Kansas, and as soon as I tell anybody that, the first things they think of are tornados and ruby slippers, LOL!

9:57 AM  

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